Thursday 16 December 2021

Drastiko from Houston Texas Interview


Introduce yourself, tell us where you are from and how you got into making music? 

My name is Drastiko I’m from the city of Houston Texas born and raised. I got into music early as a kid I started writing raps at the age of 12 as far as I remember I would write lyrics at that age. My father was a musician a writer so it’s in my DNA as a natural gift to begin with. I continue pushing this reality music and dedication for my father. 

At age 16 I met with an old friend from kindergarten and we started creating hood classics. We released 6 mixtapes from the start of my music journey. I’m 34 now so that should tell you how long I’ve been a lyricist.

Tell us what projects you have already released? 

I got about 9 albums out now. I previously released 8 albums since 2011 and my latest masterpiece I released in November 2021 called “Reflections Of A Man” independently all albums have been released so you could imagine the struggle and trial and error in the process. Not proud of the past projects due to the content I was releasing “negative” but it’s a part of my journey. 

I am much wiser today so my thought process is way different now so I choose not to be apart of the poison.

How did the collaboration EP “Throughout Time” with K-Rino come around?

Well I first discovered K-Rino very late I would say better late than never. I discovered him in 2011 and I was like man I’ve been sleeping on the greatest emcee to walk the planet I was struck with amazement when I heard the song “I didn’t ask” from there I did some searching how to contact him while in the Process of working on my first album. 

I first collaborated with him on the track called “They don’t know” since then I’ve been good friends with K. It’s been a decade we been working together so I gathered up a few tracks “Throughout time” featuring him so that’s where the idea and title was born from for the name of it. One day I pitched the idea to him of me putting out as a collaboration EP album and he gave me the green light to run with it.

We recorded 3 tracks for it and wrapped it up And man I really appreciate him showing me love like this I could never repay him for doing that for a brother. To have an EP with the Wizard man it’s huge many people call this album an underground underrated album. I hope it keeps spreading more and more with time.

Where can people buy your CD’s and merchandise?

Everyone can purchase my merchandise and CDs on my website I do ship worldwide so it you a fan cd collector anywhere in the planet I can get this music to you.

You’ve just released your latest album “Reflections Of A Man” tell us about that?

This is my best work up to date I teamed up with my brother Alex Quazr who produced the whole album a very skilled musically inclined brother. I put my heart and soul into this album it was suppose to be a project where I spoke about my evolution as an artist, person, life changing album. 

But while I’m the process of making this special album of my growth I was devastated with the loss of my father. He recently passed away in august 12, 2021 may he rest in power in the eternal life. I built the album around my fathers lineage I am a reflection of him so it fit perfect and I dedicated and honored this great man with this album. 

The pictures in the artwork besides the old photos those were taken at his home in Mexico when I went to pick my fathers ashes in Mexico. It was the most difficult thing to do after not being able to see my father in almost a decade this broke me internally. But like I mentioned in other interviews the creator was preparing me for this moment “he knows everything” so if you listen to this album all songs are deep and filled with tons of emotion. 

I hope more people get to discover this hidden gem.

Tell us about the recently released a track called “Rain” featuring Statik The S.U.G

Yes sir brother Statik and I been friends for years man that guy showed me tons of love. So it was only right for me to get him on a track I got with an artist/producer/guitar player Fender Gee. He sent me some tracks a while back and I got this track I laid the chorus and Statik felt that. He sent me his verse asap so then I laid my verse. Man it had been sitting the vault until last month.

I got it mixed by my brothers the “Alberto Bros” these are my brothers from my neighborhood some super dope producers and engineers. I’ve been working with since an early teen. I put this track out a few weeks ago it’s a dope track with a message I encourage everyone to go check that track out it’s jamming.

You have a song called “I need A Friend” which is about suicide awareness what made you want to touch on that subject?

Well we all know we all living in a dark moment right now. We always hear about someone going through some dark times and I just wanted to speak on this many people go through life and situations alone. And the message on this track was to let people know you are not alone there’s someone here for you. 

I just can’t imagine having to live with something like that losing a son,daughter, sister,brother, father,mother, family member. Over not having someone on your corner when you need a shoulder to cry on. So I decided to create this short track with this powerful positive message. That track was produced by my brother Chris Hernandez shout out to him!

Your latest single “Same World” features K-Rino (Houston) LATE (England, UK) and Dirty Ray (Japan) tell us about that song and how it all came together?

Track is produced my brother Supyrsam I first had K-Rino lay the chorus. He came with that hook speaking about same world and traveling the world. So it sparked to me it’s only right if I got two artists from another country on it. 

I immediately thought about LATE from UK an S.P.C member. I reached out and he was motivated by the idea. He sent me his verse, I appreciate that brother much love. Then I thought about an artist from Tokyo Japan named Dirty Ray.  I've been following him for a few years man this guy shows love to the Texas culture.

It’s amazing how much the culture has expanded and influenced around the world. So I reached to him told him the idea and who was going to be on this track and he sent the track over without a hesitation.

This track is very in tune with the time we are living with and how the world is moving today. Go check it out for yourself and shout out to all in UK, Japan showing us love for this collaboration especially having K on it.

What have you got planned next?

I got another album releasing some time soon in 2022 called “Still Famised” an continuance of my previous album “on the gray famished” like a part 2 album. I just hope to keep creating music and keep soaking up knowledge so I can lace up my lyrics with. 

I got tons of plans for new album I just hope I can keep doing what I love for as longest I can.

What are all your websites and social media platforms? 

Thank you for having me on you’re platform I truly appreciate it much love thanks once again! Drastiko

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